Pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing
99% of people have genetic variants that impact how their bodies respond to certain medications (1). Pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing provides clinicians with an easy to understand report on patient specific genetic ability to metabolize medications. The test result can help your healthcare provider select the best match of medication and dosage specific to you. Depending on your genetic makeup, some medications may not provide much benefit, or worse, may create adverse drug reactions (ADR’s), the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. Collected via a simple mouth swab. Click here to learn more.
1 Ji Y, et al. J Mol Diagn. 2016 May; 18(3): 438-445

Who is this test for?
- Those wanting a proactive approach to medication management
- Those struggling to find symptom relief
- Those who have experienced adverse drug reactions
- Those on multiple medications
- Those switching to or starting new medications
Next Steps:
- Ask your doctor about an Aura Genetics PGx test.
- If your doctor agrees the results could be useful for your medication management, you’ll be asked to sign a patient consent form and provide a sample via a simple, non-invasive cheek swab.
- Your sample will be sent to the lab for processing and in about a week, your doctor will receive the results and schedule a consultation with you.
Understanding Your Results
Our comprehensive test analyzes 28 genes and reports on over 120 medications. There are 8 different classes of medications including pain, psych, cardio, oncology, gastro, and more. Relating your genetics to response to medications is termed Drug-Gene interaction and can help your doctor adjust the dosage or recommend a better alternative medication. For example, if testing indicates that your body metabolizes an active drug too slowly, the drug might build up in your body and increase the likelihood of side effects. While the drug might still be useful for you, a lower dose may be appropriate. Should you be a fast metabolizer of an active drug and it leaves your body too quickly, it may provide
little or no benefit and might require a higher dose or an entirely different drug. Test results can also include indications of non-gene related factors. Lifestyle habits, diet, age, weight, and other medications and supplements you may be taking may affect your response to medications. The genes analyzed in this test do not change, therefore the Drug-Gene Interaction results will be as valuable in the future as they are today. As medications are changed, added, or modified, your doctor can continually interpret your test results for a drug’s relationship to your genetic makeup.